
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Perchance 2 Dream

My client Stacey Simmons has started up a new blog, recounting her experiences in the dreamwork and in life. It's a great read.

She writes,
In 2008 my life started to change dramatically. The changes started with very strange dreams, and concurrent unexplainable events in my waking hours. I began a search... into my inner life.

Here's the door to her

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


My dreamwork client, Kathy Samworth, has been recording her thoughts and feelings about the process on her blog,

It's a great exploration of the process and the struggles and triumphs of changingy our life from the inside out.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wednesday, August 04, 2010


In Rebbe Nachman's Tziune
An excerpt from BURNT BOOKS

I was coming to the destination. I was going to fetch my portrait of the Rebbe. My fantasy was a personal quiet meditative event. Me and the Rebbe, the Rebbe and me. But it was a seething hive of Jews. Near the entrance is a washstand, as it’s customary to wash hands on returning from a grave. But any sense of actually being at a grave is overwhelmed by the crowd. I’d come at the peak hour, just before Rosh HaShanah. Last chance to have a special conversation with Rebbe Nachman. For me, it would have to be a sort of shouting conversation and at a distance...please read on

Let's learn from our nightmares, not eliminate them

Blake, The house of death

From my piece in the NY TIMES:

The history of last night's dream begins with a nightmare. Our oldest dream story, inscribed in cuneiform millennia ago, tells of the Sumerian shepherd king Dumuzi. He sees his sheepfold abandoned, his shepherd’s staff disappears, his sacred cup falls off its peg. This vision of destruction so terrifies him, he runs to his sister, Geshtin-anna, the first dream interpreter, for solace. But she is an honest therapist. She does not dismiss the reality of his dream, but tells him to face its on...

Interested in working one on one with your dreams,see my dream page.

Kafka and the oil spill

Here in New Orleans, faith and doubt wrestle daily.

This has always been true for our vulnerable city, but in the nearly five years since Hurricane Katrina, the wrestling has gotten more furious. And all this time, I’ve been living with Franz Kafka in my head, writing a book about a man of doubt who lived at the border of faith. More than anyone Kafka brings a strange sense of humor to our search for meaning. In fact, according to Google, Kafka is invoked about 75 times per day. But during and after Katrina, I came to wonder if the haunted, angel-eared prophet had become a permanent New Orleans resident... Read on...